Martin Allen


Professional Page

  • Portland, OR
  • martyall at protonmail dot com
  • martyall
  • resume
  • Education

    I received my B.S. in mathematics from the University of Washington in 2010. In my senior year I spent a semester in Budapest, Hungary at the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program. My time there affected me so much I ended up applying for, and receiving, a Fulbright Student Research Grant to spend a year at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics in Budapest. During my time there I attempted to use and extend SageMath to search for solutions to some computational problems in Representation Theory.

    After my Fulbright grant ended, I received an Excellence Scholarship to enroll as a masters student in the ALGANT consortium where I specialized in Algebraic Geometry. I spent my first year in Milan at Università degli Studi di Milano and my second year in Paris at Université Paris-Sud (now Université Paris-Saclay). My masters thesis advisers were Tamás Szamuely and David Harari. I completed the program with an MSc in Mathematics, with a thesis was on the Riemann Hypothesis for Hypersurfaces on Finite Fields, a special case of one of the Weil Conjectures.

    After my completing masters I moved back to Budapest, Hungary and enrolled as PhD student at Central European University. I completed all the necessary coursework and seminars and began drafting a thesis on Zeta functions of Normal Surface Singularities with advisors Tamás Szamuely and András Némethi.

    In the summer of 2015 I attended the Recurse Center in New York City where I worked on machine learning, compiler development, and learning the Haskell programming language. During my time there I learned that I was better suited for this line of work than I was as a research mathematician, so in January of 2016 I left my PhD program to pursue a career as a software engineer.
